Monday, May 30, 2016

Water Painting

The rain runs off the rocks into the sand, sorting the iron particles and making these beautiful patterns. The iron really is metal, I know because when my son was younger there was a popular toy that was a miniature skateboard whose riders had magnetic feet that allowed them to cling to the board. My nephew was playing with his in the sand and suddenly the feet of his little plastic skateboarder looked like that science experiment everyone does in grade seven where you put a magnet under a box lined with a sheet of white paper with iron filings sitting on top. Those filings arc out from the poles in a pretty cool pattern there too, but if you put the magnet on the iron filing side, good luck getting the filings off. I speak from personal experience.

Look at these two photos showing the same rock from a similar angle. The first is from a week ago. The second is today. You can see how much sand the ocean has scraped away in seven days. Bring in some stormy weather and it could be very different again tomorrow.


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