Friday, April 22, 2016

Your temperature seems a little too hot...

Dear Nature,

I heard you weren’t feeling too well, so I thought I would write and try to raise your spirits. Today is Earth Day! So I am especially thinking about you, and this morning, when I went for my little ski, I put my hand on your brow I noticed your temperature is up. I know, that is a really unscientific thing mothers do, putting a hand on someone’s forehead is not the official way to diagnose whether or not you are ill, but there are other signs. This is the third year in a row that I have been trying to get as many Hok Ski days in over our long winters here in northern Quebec, and I notice a difference in the level of snow this year. Seriously, the last two years we had enough snow in the forest behind my house for me to keep skiing until mid-May, This year I will be lucky to get to the end of April. Over the past twenty-two winters that I have lived this far north, you know, above your 50th parallel, the big snow pile from clearing our driveway always disappears completely on my sister’s birthday, May 16th, but I think it will be a lot earlier this year. So, Nature, maybe you should take it easy for a while, just rest, and try not to consume too much garbage or fatty foods. We all need a break sometimes, and you really deserve some rest and relaxation, you have been working overtime for quite a while now. Let your friends do something nice for you; we can take care of you.

So, Nature, Happy Earth Day; Get Well Soon!


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